Valtiotieteen tohtori, lähetystöneuvos Alpo Rusi Puhelinlaitosten liiton hallintoseminaarissa 23.11.1990
Professor Alpo Rusi
Political Processes: Challenges and Opportunities 20th of April, 2018, 4th Annual Conference 11.00-13:00, in VMU, Kaunas, Small Hall |
"The more you understand the world, the higher your chance of shaping it". Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Alpo RusiValtiotieteen tohtori, suurlähettiläs, tasavallan presidentin entinen neuvonantaja, professori ja kirjailija.
January 2021